Data Description: This data set is a list of all vendors who are certified as Minority Business Enterprises; Women-owned Businesses; and Small Business Enterprises. MBE and WBE are terms of art under CMC 324, and refer specifically to the City's new Economic Inclusion program.
To increase economic participation in City contracts for minority- and women-owned businesses, the City enacted C.M.C 324, which authorized creation of the City’s new Economic Inclusion Program, run by the Department of Economic Inclusion (DEI). DEI works with Procurement and City departments to establish subcontracting goals for minority & women-owned businesses to help bolster the City's other inclusion efforts.
Data Creation: DEI certifies vendors through its Business Certification Programs: the process of being certified under C.M.C. 324 and 342 is explained on the Department's website. The active vendors are sent to the Office of Performance and Data Analytics
Data Created By: Department of Economic Inclusion (DEI)
Refresh Frequency: Weekly
Data Dictionary: A data dictionary providing definitions of columns and attributes is available as an attachment to this dataset.
Processing: The City of Cincinnati is committed to providing the most granular and accurate data possible. In that pursuit the Office of Performance and Data Analytics facilitates standard processing to most raw data prior to publication. Processing includes but is not limited: address verification, geocoding, decoding attributes, and addition of administrative areas (i.e. Census, neighborhoods, police districts, etc.).