Data Description: This data set contains properties registered in the City of Cincinnati's vacant and foreclose property program. This program is designed to identify properties that are vacant and/or in foreclosure to ensure that they continue to comply with code despite being unoccupied.
Data Creation: This data is created every time a new property is registered as vacant or foreclosed.
Data Created By: This data set is stored and maintained by Cincinnati Area Geographic Information Systems (CAGIS). The content is input and updated by the Department of Buildings & Inspections.
Refresh Frequency: Daily
Data Dictionary: A data dictionary providing definitions of columns and attributes is available as an attachment to this dataset.
Processing: The City of Cincinnati is committed to providing the most granular and accurate data possible. In that pursuit the Office of Performance and Data Analytics facilitates standard processing to most raw data prior to publication. Processing includes but is not limited: address verification, geocoding, decoding attributes, and addition of administrative areas (i.e. Census, neighborhoods, police districts, etc.).